16 May 2012

What a surprise!

I popped into an IStyle outlet recently. Just browsing, not really wanting to buy anything. I saw a cool carry case for the Macbook Pro, but they only had it in a 15" size. I asked if it was available for a 13" MBP and the guy at the store said he could find out. I carried on browsing.

As I was leaving, he asked me if I'd like to leave my contact details so he could follow up on the carry case. Sure, I said, expecting him to go up to one of the big-ass Apple cinema displays and fire up some killer app to take down the enquiry details. Imagine, then, my utter surprise when he pulled out a good old fashioned A5 size notebook, opened up a blank page and handed it to me.


Phittay munh!
How un-stylishly low-tech can you get!?

Note: the above pic is a simulation.

1 comment:

Sidhusaaheb said...

phiTTay muNh indeed! :D